Thoughts on Class 4 BioChem - Are GMO's Worth The Trouble

" Crop rotations , largely abandoned by industrial agriculture, typically increase yields to 20 - 30%." This claim within the article was one of multiple surprising things shared. My honest truth is I am very very very disengaged from what it takes to grow food. Living in Monterey offered my the opportunity to see the hard work which goes into harvesting berries. I also had the chance to regularly eat some of the most affordable and tasty avocados, artichokes, and other produce. I literally have no clue what a farmer needs to do in order for their crops to yield a bountiful harvest. As far as I was concerned it was a combination of magic and hardwork from migrant workers. It's disheartening to know we are leeching nutrients from our soil and decreasing yield by not rotating crops. As a population we have become incredibly spoiled. A lot of items are year around. I  read Healing with Whole Foods to discover which items are in season or not. Personally, I prefer to decrease the investment in GMO and invest more in replenishing our soil and oceans. If that means drastic adjustments to eating habits then I am open to change. Less than 5 years ago I was a fast food, pizza eating, meat devouring queen. I've become more mindful about what I purchase (organic/non GMO labels), significantly decreased my meat intake, and eat fast food less 3x a year. I made changes in my life at the same rate as everyone in my immediate family, it is trendy. That being said, I use my time visiting restaurants to indulge. It may be time for me to more mindfully choose restaraunts which align with my ideal future. I also need to take a greater accountability about allowing grocery items to go to waste.


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