Class 3 BioChem - What Groups are in my fridge
LOL a better question may be what groups are in my cabinets. I am very mindful when purchasing items which require refrigeration. I do the pasture raised eggs, organic fruits, vegetables, and sauces. Most items in my fridge are Group 1 and Group 3. The whole fruits and veggies fall into Group 1 and the sauces fall under Group 3. The only meat allowed in the home is fresh or frozen fish which falls under Group 1 or 2. The second we step away from my fridge and into my cabinets its a processed food party. There are the occasional bags of fresh uncooked beans, rice, yams, and garlic. There is an unbalanced amount of Group 4 ultra processed foods. Funny thing is I thought I was making healthier options. I purchase spinach pasta, vegan pesto, organic tortilla chips, and similar Group 4 foods with an organic veggie base. Looking into the depth of my cabinets helped me realize I need to consider buying some of my grains more selectively. I should stick to the bulk bins or purchase items available at the farmers market.
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