Thoughts on Week 5 Class Discussion
The conversation exploring the relationship between the colors of our chakras and the foods we eat was very intriguing, The weather is increasing in temperature and my appetite is expanding as well. I crave foods with the colors purple, red, green, tan, and yellow. The most desired of all the colors is red and purple which are the root and the crown chakra. There functions are I understand and survival. hahaha I believe those directly relate to where I am in the world and in the process of learning TCM. I find myself constantly attempting to understand what I cannot and find stability through it. In class we didn't discuss what colors are calling to us, but I think its probable we all have a few things in common.
Hey, I like your loafing style..., nada, nanimo nai, 什么都没有,nothing! As for me, just can't find time to loaf cause of too many mid-terms....