Review on Advanced Green Chemistry
If green chemist's exist and regular people exist who want to create a more sustainable future..... then whats the next step for the future. In Bridget's post she spoke of not knowing how much of our recyclables and compost end up in landfill. If we can use non-toxic substances to biodegrade waste into reusable powders to make more reusable products then that is an ideal situation. I wonder how much is a possible reality and how much is too idealistic. If there is truth to Monsanto seeds, the power of his lawyers, and the near impossibility to of being able to prove your crops haven't been contaminated. My question is how can we create an environment where bio-pesticides stand a chance to make an impact. How can we create a world that is ecologically sustainable when our current world is based on money. I don't think green chemists will be able to utilize there ecological resolutions on a grand scale until it becomes lucrative to the people who are currently making money from poisoning the Earth.
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